WP6 - Activities

Engaging Industrial Associates

WP6 disseminating activities aim at involving industry in a way that maximizes the impact of network activities on its productivity. An affiliation letter and a questionnaire are proposed in order to understand how to structure the interaction that maximizes advantages with respect to committed time and effort.

Four levels of involvement with HYCON operations are defined

 according to the fields of interest pointed out. Different degrees of insight in HYCON correspond, starting from the simple "being informed on" to the more involving "participating to" the research activities.


Intellectual Property Rights - IPR issues

Better research results are expected when the HYCON partners and the external affiliates share and exchange information about their respective activities. Nevertheless, industrialists may not easily provide information since, in general, revealing them would affect their concurrent position with respect to competitors. A proper informative campaign has to be held in order to reassure all involved entities about potential impact of HYCON on their competitive positions. This is the aim of the WP6 deliverable D6.1.1 "Industrial Property Rights policy for Industrial Partner/Associate Agreements" which provides an overview of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) provisions in the Sixth Framework Program (FP6). The document is based on the annexes to EC contract:

